Sunday, November 20, 2011

Microsoft or sony?

choose wut ever u want . just remember microsoft's first system is battling sony's second syestem! microsoft's second system is battling sony's fourth system. please reply and choose ur favorite.

Microsoft or sony?
"Sony is 100x more technologically advanced..."

That is bull****. The PS3 is barely more powerful than the 360, the PS3 has a better CPU and the 360 has a better GPU.

I pick Microsoft because Sony is so full of themselves that they want you to pay $500 for a tard pack, and also because Sony is so unorigANAL.
Reply:Sony is Better then microsoft first of all they made BLU RAY they made the PS3 a machine highley more developed and skilled then the xbox 360 there smarter then microsoft because sony makes the stuff first then microsoft nick Sony's ideas Report It

Reply:Microsoft, you can't beat Xbox or Xbox 360 with the mangy Playstation line! Besides Microsoft makes windows.
Reply:Sony is 100x more technologically advanced...

The Xbox is just PC technology in a console box
Reply:Microsoft, a PC will kick the *** of any console
Reply:go for Sony, years of experience!!
Reply:microsoft. PCs and Xbox
Reply:Sony all the way
Reply:microsoft, its 1000x better then those dam sony consols

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