Sunday, August 22, 2010

Microsoft or Apple Mac for laptop?

Lets say Im getting a laptop for school. Should I switch from Microsoft to Mac? Ive had used Mac in the past (like 10 years ago) but ive used Microsoft longer.

Microsoft or Apple Mac for laptop?
if you're thinking of buying a laptop you should check out this site first. they give you a sony vaio laptop for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
Reply:Depends on the software you want to run. I'm not sure of your needs, so it's hard to say. In general, Macs can do everything that a PC can do. Watch movies, play music, surf the net, word processing. However, there's quite a bit of software that is specific to each platform. I would say that you need to analyze your software. You won't be able to load any of your existing programs onto a mac. You'll have to buy it again.

Don't buy all of the hype about Macs being better at graphics and stuff. If you have adequate hardware to process and display graphics, then the only difference is software. It's not as if things look better on a Mac. It simply comes down to the industry standard. Many graphic designers use Macs, so if you want your files to be compatible with another graphic designer, you use a Mac. The last company I worked for, the graphic designer used a PC. Whenever he received files from other designers, it was encoded for Macs. He had to jump through hoops to coonvert the data and it was a huge pain for him. Just keep in mind, you won't be able to just create a file and load it onto any PC as you do now. You'll be carrying that Mac with you everywhere, because you never know when it won't be compatible.

Macs don't have many viruses targeted at them because there aren't many Macs out there. Think about it from a virus programmer's point of view. Would you rather piss off 10,000 people, or 10,000,000 people? Not many businesses use Macs, so you wouldn't be able to target many businesses either. Basically, your work as a virus programmer would be felt by very few people, so why bother? Saying a Mac is better than PC because of fewer viruses is like saying Linux is better than Mac for the same reason. Even FEWER people use Linux than they use Mac. Does that make Linux better?? It is for this same reason that you hear of fewer problems related to Macs. There's simply far FAR fewer people using Macs. Therefore, you hear of far fewer problems. If there are 10,000,000 Fords on the road and you hear of 10,000 problems with them, that's only 0.01% of the total. If there's only 10,000 Pontiacs out there, then 0.01% is only 10 cars. So obviously, you wouldn't hear about many Pontiac problems. Nobody knows how many PCs are out there, and how many Macs are out there. But people hear of many PC problems, but not many Mac problems. It's a great selling point, but it's based upon nothing. It's just preying upon the average consumer's lack of knowledge.

As a side note, although I would never buy a Mac, I've always admired them. Their processors have always been outstanding, and the computers are designed to be simple.
Reply:Hello orangeorange3,

Yes. Get a MacBook or a MacBook Pro. You won't regret it. OK here's my list of things I like about the Macintosh over Windows. I'm sorry that it is so long, but that's how it goes.

* No computer viruses.

You hear from the Windows people that it's because there are fewer Macs out there, but I think it's because of the Mac OS and it's Unix kernel. That doesn't explain why Vista got viruses before it was officially released. The Macintosh comes out of the box as a closed system. If you want it to be networked and remotely operated, you can make that happen, but you have to change it's settings first. Windows machines come out of the box as a wide open vulnerable system. That's so the IT guy can set up the hardware, attach it to the company's network, and install the software remotely from the comfort of his own desk. ActiveX and InternetExplorer leaves the Windows OS wide open to hacks and viruses. The Macintosh OS simply isn't set up that way.

If you want to install any kind of software onto your Mac, you first need to type in your administrative password. There is no auto-install for a virus to attach itself to your Mac without your Okay. That is the simple answer why there hasn't been any viruses for the Macintosh in the past 6 years. Another is that first year programmers learn how to create simple Windows script viruses their first year of class. Mac programmers simply love their computers and have no desire to create such an abomination. We love our Mac programmers and happily pay what ever they ask for their good, hard work.

* Games.

I enjoy the games that I play on my Mac, but It's true that there simply aren't as many games out there for the Mac as Windows. Hopefully, with the Mac now using an Intel processor, we will start to see more games being developed for the Mac. But, honestly, don't most people get their gaming fix by playing with video game consoles (such as NES, PS, Wii, or XBox), rather than playing games on their computers?

* Software.

There's a lot more software for the Macintosh now, than before Mac OS X arrived. Much of the Mac's new software is simply Unix ports. There is also a large open source and public domain/shareware development community that has been supporting the Mac OS.

You can run Unix X-windows on your Macintosh now too. Apple has been designated as the largest distributor of Unix in the world. If you have one of the new Intel-based Macs you can now run Windows programs natively using a program called Boot Camp and/or Parallel. There is also a Java Virtual Machine for the Mac too.

There's still a ton of programs made specifically for the Mac. Most of these are programmed in machine language, so they're lightening fast. Apple watches over their developers closely, to make sure everything runs like it's supposed to; that it runs the Macintosh way. There's also a lot of Windows ports too. I use Microsoft Office on my Mac at work all the time. Although the Macintosh versions of Windows software are way behind in features than their Windows brethren, the Macintosh programs seem to run better, faster and are not as susceptible to problems as the Windows ports. Go figure!

Where the Macintosh really shines is in the creative software area. I'm a printer, so I know that the Macintosh pioneered desktop publishing. I think that most structured drawing, paint/graphics, and music programs got their start here too. Video and film editing and production is now very big on the Mac. Many people complain about how expensive some of these programs are, but frankly, professional programs are always more expensive than the cheaper consumer-level programs that are out there. Stuff like iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, etc. come free with your Macintosh, while other programs are quite affordable.

* Less problems

The Macintosh simply works. There really isn't very many problems using a Mac compared to a Windows PC. Check out the computer questions here on Yahoo! Answers. There are a lot of Windows, "Why can't I get this to work?" questions here. Even though there are a lot of Mac users here, there doesn't seem to be very many Mac questions. The Mac simply works. Naturally, there are a few problems with any kind of computer hardware, but these are few and far between on a Mac.

* Hardware Power -vrs- Expense

Right, the Macintosh is a little more proprietary and you really need to buy hardware that tells you that it's Macintosh compatible. You can't just buy some cheap hardware, piece it together, and make a Mac, like you can with some PCs. But, then, you don't have Plug-and-Pray either. Again, the Mac simply works.

We also hear from Windows users that Windows PCs are cheaper than Macs. True, you can buy hardware with the barest of graphics cards, hard drives, and other components, or you can buy the best and end up spending the same amount as a Mac. It's your choice, but that's why you see Macs holding up and being used a lot longer than these Window PCs.

Oh, and since we're talking about hardware, yes, you can get yourself a USB multiple-buttoned mouse, plug it into your Mac, and use it just fine, thank you. Don't worry about it.

* Mac OS X

It's a very simple, basic, easy-to-use OS. It's highly graphic, so your kids or your grandmother could learn to use it, and it's also got a terminal, so the geekiest guy can enjoy using it to it's fullest extent. Windows users will recognize many of the same features that they use on their OS, but there are a few things that are strictly Macintosh.

I have loved it because it's always responsive. You throw in a CD and the icon for it pops up on the desktop along with a dialog box asking if you want a specific program to use with it. There's no need to search for drives. If it's a music CD, iTunes launches to play it. If you plug in your digital camera iPhoto launches to import the pictures. If you're looking for a file buried deep inside your Mac's file structure, you can use Spotlight and it might find the file before you're done typing the first three letters of the name.

Again, I'm sorry that this is so long, but I get tired of the misinformation that the Windows guys are spreading about the Macintosh, and I wanted to be sure to respond to all of their rants with the facts. Go into your local Macintosh dealer and play with the Macintosh yourself, and see what you think. Best of luck with your final decision. Take care.

Reply:If you're going to do a lot of word processing, buy a PC. Office 2007. Words can not express how fantastic it is.
Reply:Stick with what you are familiar with, unless you are going to school for something graphical. Macs handle high end video and graphics editing better. For everthing else, there is an argument for either. If you are used to PCs, then you should stick with PCs.
Reply:Hello. My ID is Ms. Dell, and I am happy to answer your question.

Apple has launched their new Macbook Pro, featuring a CPU best of 2.4Ghz, which is GREAT and its GPU has finally upgraded to nVida 8600M GT.

Is Mac a Mac now? Good question, and the answer is no. Mac is now a PC, for mac has reached to their limit and switched over to PC hardware to continue their journey.

We have yet to see PC switch over to Mac, which will never happen because there is no reason to.

But since Mac is now this powerful and certainly will play most of the top advanced games available, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to go Mac, especially having the freedom to install windows alternatively.

Since your requirement is based on school work, then the Mac will be just fine. Simply spend an addtional $150 to get windows on your Mac, and you are free from obligation. I'll be making a new video on Youtube soon with the lastest Macbook Pro. I want to personally feel the new upgrade before I start bashing it over this place as usual.

You have a great day now.

Ms. Dell.
Reply:As much as i know Micfosoft is user friendly , so its better you go for Microsoft
Reply:So, first of all, it comes down to money. Macs are based on the Intel Core product line (first generation 65nm Intel processors). If you go with a decent Intel based laptop from say HP for $600 or more, you'll probably get a Core 2 (new architecture improvement over Core).

If you like to play games, always stick with Windows. If you have any special Windows based apps, stick with Windows. If you value any Microsoft software (say Visual Studio, or SQL, or Office), stick with Windows. If you really don't know much about computers, a Mac might be for you.

MS One Note is basically designed for college students. It's pretty awesome and runs best on Windows.


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