Thursday, August 19, 2010

Microsoft xbox 360 help?

okay I have sent in my xbox 360 for the 5th time it finally has no problems yet the 3yr warrenty from microsoft is up around 11/02/08 I was told by some friends I would break it before its over and send it into microsoft? how can I give this console the 3 red lights again? how much is it to extend the warrenty? should there be a way to wrap it in towels and then let it over heat then run out in the cold weather with the console then gets cold solder?


Microsoft xbox 360 help?
Put it in a cardboard box and leave it running all night. Somewhere hot should do, maybe use a space heater as well.
Reply:the towel trick or closing it up in cabinet or entertainment center should bring the 3 red lights once again...

in the case that you send in your 360 to be fixed and you are still covered by the warranty but by the time you get the 360 back from repairs your warranty has are covered by a 60 warranty from the day they send it back out to you....

in the case that you are out of warranty and it breaks, you will have to pay to get the 360 fixed,around $120 with shipping, but because you paid to get it repaired, the 1 year and 3 year warranty start all over again from the day they send it back out to you (sounds like a pretty good deal to me)
Reply:the best way to red ring it is to just play a graphic intense game like bio shock for a lot of hours in a row and im almost positive you will red ring it again
Reply:I have actually fixed my 360 by wraping it in towels and turning it on for about 2 hrs. so i dont know if that would help of hurt it.


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